Sunday, September 19, 2010

Joshua is mastering reading

Joshua is doing so well with reading. He definitely made a huge leap at the end of the Summer after spending the Summer reading prior to bedtime. He has taken off in his skills with the start of the new school year, which is such a blessing because he didn't seem to enjoy it before his 1st grade year. Now that it is becoming easier for him, he is having fun reading new books and it is a joy to hear him read and know that it is no longer an assignment or chore, but something he is enjoying on his own. He picks up a book or tries to read signs/labels on his own here and there, and we look forward to him make reading his own more and more. I will always love to sit with him at bedtime and listen to him read so I hope that that won't end anytime soon! Keep it up, Joshua! You are awesome!

Taylor announces that her potty training is done!

Doug told me that Taylor announced to him that she was done potty training. That would be such a huge blessing!! She has been doing so well lately. An accident usually happens once a day and sometimes she has no accidents in a day, as was the case today. She has come a long way and we are soooo proud of her. She knows that she will get a Minnie Mouse cake and party when she is done training and it will be so much fun to celebrate with her. Once she is done, we need to decide if she should go back to preschool or not. There is definitely positives and negatives to both options and we'll just need to pray about it and make a decision when the time comes. We are so proud of you, Taylor!!

Tiger Cubs

Joshua is an official Tiger Cub!! He has attended three meetings now and Doug has agreed to be co-leader of the Tiger Cubs if he is accepted (which I'm sure that he will be). It has put an extra pep in his step and he is excited to "give back" in this way. Joshua seems to be really enjoying the scouts and they are looking forward to their first camping trip on the first weekend of October. Joshua is now officially outfitted in Tiger Cubs gear as of this weekend. He and Daddy and Taylor went to the Cub Scouts store and purchased his shirt, necktie, slide, and cap. I get to sew on the patches to his new uniform. This is going to be a great time of bonding with Daddy and son, and Taylor and I will join in on the fun as much as possible as well. I am still trying to decide if Taylor should join in on the first camping adventure or not. We only have two sleeping bags now (one just ordered for Doug!), so we would be short on supplies...It's going to be a great year!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Labor Day with the Michalaks

We spent Labor Day weekend with Grandpa and Grandma and Aunt Angela, Uncle Doug and the kids in Charlotte. Joshua spent all of his time with Daniel, which was expected, and Daniel wore Joshua out! Joshua can keep up with Daniel, but he definitely is exhausted at the end of the weekend and it takes him a day or two to catch up on his sleep! They had fun jumping on the trampoline and play fighting with their light sabers. We went to the Matthews parade on Saturday morning of the weekend, and the boys and Ashley had a blast accumulating candy and goodies from the people walking along with their floats. Taylor and Lindsay got in on the fun about half way through the parade and collected some candy as well. We then had a picnic lunch and then walked through the craft areas and got to ride the crazy train. This train ride was a small train (holding approx 20 people) that makes sharp turns and zigs and zags through a parking lot with this crazy old man who had quite the personality. This man has definitely found his calling! Joshua and Taylor both really enjoyed the silliness and the man even asked Taylor if she was following him. Joshua and Daniel rode a spinning ride and Taylor rode a car that flew up and down and around in circles. We attended Doug and Angela's church on Sunday and then we headed to the National Whitewater Training facility. What a place! This is an Olympic training center for rafting and anyone can pay and spend the day rafting or kayaking around this man-made course. They also had a zip line, rocking climbing, and a mountain biking course. It was really impressive and I'd love to take the kids rafting their someday when they are old enough, which will be awhile considering the age requirement is 12. We had a good time just watching the rafters and kayakers and we even climbed onto the rocks and stuck our feet in the water. A great weekend with the family and we are hoping to make it back for Halloween!