Joshua and Taylor had dental appointments today back to back. Joshua went first...hoping that Taylor would once again see that it was no big deal...although the plan didn't work so well! Joshua didn't want to get in the chair, but it didn't take much prodding to get him to agree to it. His teeth looked good and they said that the wearing down of his front teeth were due to his lower teeth coming in front of his upper teeth when he puts his teeth together. He will likely need orthodontic treatment at age 7. The dental hygienist said that his molar coming in in the back has deep grooves so that it will be a good idea to get his adult teeth sealed to help prevent cavities. He also has a loose tooth! His lower front right tooth is slightly loose...which we thought was going to happen soon because he complained of his tooth hurting recently when biting into something hard. He has been wondering when he was going to loose a tooth with many of his classmates losing teeth around him. He's quite excited about it!
Taylor had a more traumatic experience. She saw Joshua go through his cleaning, and then decided that she wanted nothing to do with getting her teeth cleaned. I had to hold her on my lap facing me and then leaning her back onto the hygienist's lap to get her teeth cleaned. She cried the whole time and then perked up at the end when she got a sticker and got to pick a prize with the token she was given. She picked a ring and Joshua picked a mini car. We chose a morning slot for her next appointment hoping that she will be in a better mood and not being tired. We will see!
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