Saturday, July 10, 2010

Peanut allergy?

Taylor has been going through a lot of skin problems in the past few weeks and we are trying to pinpoint the cause and what exactly she does have on her skin. I took her to the nurse practitioner a few weeks ago, and she said that Taylor had eczema, and said that if she had a peanut allergy, it is more common to get hives and swelling in the face. She prescribed a steroid cream to put on her skin for two weeks in hopes that it would clear up. A week later, Doug gave Taylor a bath and just put lotion on her and no steroid cream and put her to bed. The next morning, she woke up with 5 or 6 nickel size sores on her skin that were red and itchy. She had eaten peanut butter at every meal the day before and then for breakfast when she got up, she had more peanut butter. Within a couple of hours of breakfast, she broke out in hives all over her back. We gave her benadryl and the hives took most of the day to clear up. We have been in VA all week, so I have not been able to get her back to the doctor, and she has broken out with another couple of sores on her hip and bottom. She has not had peanut butter in over a week and still new sores have shown up. Tonight, she was insisting on peanut butter and crackers, so we tested the waters one more time. She had four peanut butter and crackers and within the past hour, no hives. She's now in bed, and I'm praying that she will not have a reaction to the peanut butter. We gave her benadryl before bedtime, just in case. It just seems that her skin gets worse when she does eat peanut butter, and the sores she has on her skin now are different in appearance than the eczema on her skin when she saw the nurse practitioner. At that time, it was more of a rash type appearance on her skin at that point. I hope that we can find out once and for all if she is or is not allergic to peanut butter when I get her an appointment this week with the doctor and have her tested. Then we can move forward from there. She eats so few things these days that it's hard when you remove the main source of protein from her diet other than the Danimals yogurt drinks...

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