Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Joshua's 6 year check up

Joshua had his 6 year check up today. He is 48 inches tall and 59.2 lbs (90th percentile for height and weight). He's right on track staying between the 90th and 95th percentile for height and weight. No shots today!! Joshua's vision is good, too. He has 20/20 vision when using both eyes and 20/25 vision when using one eye at a time. I was relieved that I could read the letters Joshua could read and a few that he couldn't. I'm glad that my eyes are still in good shape! Taylor wanted to be checked by the doctor as well and wanted her weight taken , too, which is funny because when it is an appointment for her, she wants nothing to do with the doctor. I guess that she wanted the attention her brother was getting!!

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