Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas Gifts given to you

Joshua's Gifts:

Plug and Play TV Star Wars game
Star wars storm trooper, eopie and another star wars character
Plasma car
Erector vehicle set
Spinning light sabers
"Treasure Planet" and "Atlantis" movies
books "The Grinch that Stole Christmas", "An Angel named Herman",
Battleship travel game
Mickey Mouse hat
Citi blocks from Aunt Christina
Swimming fins from Aun Christina and Aunt Angela
nano bug and lego camper from Aunt Angela
Penguin pillow pet, "Clone Wars" DVD, and angel ornament from Grandma and Grandpa
Camping inflatable bed mat, nerf gun, and police light up rifle from Gran and Grandaddy
"Cars" movie rolling suitcase, Jingle bells noisemaker, and balloon blow up kit from Aunt Tricia
"Thomas" book from Julie Jones
Sponge Bob car activity book and reader book from Melissa Beard
elf ornament from Great Grandma Weatherholt
Veggie Tales "St Nicholas" movie from Terri Behling
house ornament decorating kit from Julie Hews

Gifts for Taylor:

Fur Real walking puppy, colorful flower necklace, jumping frogs game, and angel ornament from Mommy, Daddy, Grandma and Grandpa
Minnie Mouse dress up set
plasma car
Crayola Glow Station from Grandma and Grandpa, Mommy and Daddy
Unicorn Pillow Pet, and "Twinkle Star" Little Pony movie from Aunt Angela
teddy bear and Meal Making Playdoh station, and jingle bells noise maker from Aunt Tricia
Minnie Sweatshirt and Minnie car and tote from Aunt Chris
Disney Princess scooter and Cake Making Playdoh station from Gran and Grandaddy
"Minnie Bowtique" and "Mickey's Learning Game" DVDs
Winnie the Pooh Book and Dr Seuss books
Minnie Mouse tote
Sesame street coloring activity book and reader book from Melissa Beard
Sewing cards from Julie Jones
gingerbread man ornament from Great Grandma Weatherholt
Veggie Tales "St Nicholas" movie from Terri Behling
house ornament decorating kit from Julie Hews

Shared gift for Taylor and Joshua: "Beauty and the Beast" and "The Tale of Desperaux" movies

Saturday, December 25, 2010

White Christmas!

It snowed on Christmas here in Atlanta! We didn't get much, but enough to make get snowballs and have fun pummeling each other with them. Taylor was the polite one and spent her time throwing the snowballs against the windows. Doug and I got some great swings at each other and Joshua took turns being on my side and then Daddy's. My mom and dad got in on the fun as well. They came out to watch the grand kids enjoy the rare sight of snow play in the South. Grandma said that the kids would make great Hoosiers with their love for the snow. Taylor and Joshua begged us to get out in the snow even though it was getting dark quickly. I thought, "Why not" often do they get to play in the snow...especially on Christmas Day! We actually got a white Christmas...I guess that the last white Christmas here in Atlanta was in 1822...pretty spectacular to watch the beautiful huge flakes coming down from the sky. It was perfect snow to pack and throw, too. The perfect trio...snow, snow that packed easily, and no wind/not too cold. Christina briefly joined in with just a scarf wrapped on her head! Silly coat, just the scarf! Taylor didn't want to come in and told Daddy that she wanted to play in the dark. What is it about playing in the dark that is so much fun?! The perfect ending to a beautiful Christmas.