Saturday, December 25, 2010

White Christmas!

It snowed on Christmas here in Atlanta! We didn't get much, but enough to make get snowballs and have fun pummeling each other with them. Taylor was the polite one and spent her time throwing the snowballs against the windows. Doug and I got some great swings at each other and Joshua took turns being on my side and then Daddy's. My mom and dad got in on the fun as well. They came out to watch the grand kids enjoy the rare sight of snow play in the South. Grandma said that the kids would make great Hoosiers with their love for the snow. Taylor and Joshua begged us to get out in the snow even though it was getting dark quickly. I thought, "Why not" often do they get to play in the snow...especially on Christmas Day! We actually got a white Christmas...I guess that the last white Christmas here in Atlanta was in 1822...pretty spectacular to watch the beautiful huge flakes coming down from the sky. It was perfect snow to pack and throw, too. The perfect trio...snow, snow that packed easily, and no wind/not too cold. Christina briefly joined in with just a scarf wrapped on her head! Silly coat, just the scarf! Taylor didn't want to come in and told Daddy that she wanted to play in the dark. What is it about playing in the dark that is so much fun?! The perfect ending to a beautiful Christmas.

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