Sunday, January 17, 2010

Mommy's 37th birthday

Joshua and Taylor and Doug all made my birthday special in their own ways today in which made me smile to see them enjoying the day along with me. Doug started the morning out with flowers for me which were very pretty. Doug and Joshua baked a cake for me that was chocolate on chocolate (my favorite). Joshua decorated my cake with a big 37 on the bottom of the cake with hearts drawn on it. Very sweet. He was SO excited about decorating and making a cake for me! He also cut out a flower for me out of construction paper and cutting a stem out of cardboard and giving me the flower. So sweet! I loved it, Joshua! Doug brought dinner in from Los Bravos (yum!) and we enjoyed Mexican and yummy chocolate cake. Everyone sang "Happy Birthday" to me, including Taylor!! She was very excited to dig into the cake, as we all were and we all devoured the chocolate bliss:) Thank you, everyone, for a very special birthday...I really enjoyed it and love it that you both were so sweet to me on my birthday.

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