Friday, January 8, 2010

Snow Day!

It doesn't happen often, but Joshua got a taste of snow this was only one half of an inch, but school was cancelled because the roads were covered in black ice, and were not safe to drive on (as I found out that night trying to go to Kohl's). Doug stayed home from work as he was not able to get out of our driveway, so we all enjoyed getting out in the snow for a bit. Joshua and Taylor got bundled up in their snow pants (courtesy of Grandma Price, who makes sure that the kids have snow pants every year...just in case it snows). We headed outside and even Bailey got out there for a few minutes, trying to avoid the snow. The kids had to scrap snow from all over the deck to make it amount to a pile of snow, and it wasn't wet enough to make a snowman (which really disappointed Joshua), but they made the best of it and played in it as much as possible. Taylor was taking snow and throwing it up in the air saying "It's snowing, it's snowing"....too funny. Later in the day, our neighbor, Mason, came over and had a snowball fight with Doug and Joshua. They were having to scoop snow from all over the yard to gather enough to throw at each other, but they had a blast getting out some energy and aggression on each other. I wish that I would have gotten some of it on video b/c it was quite the scene! I'm glad that the kids got to play in the snow (even if it was only one half of an inch:).

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