Friday, April 30, 2010

Violet's Birthday Party

Taylor and Joshua got to go to Violet's 3rd birthday party at the South Cobb Aquatic Center. Violet and Taylor are in the same playgroup. The aquatic center was really nice with a water works area for the kids, water slide with a lazy river at the bottom, and a deeper section with a diving board. The kids LOVED it and Joshua actually got to practice his swimming skills in the lazy river and he did a great job! The chocolate/vanilla beach cake was a big hit, too...Great party for the kids and we'll have to come back and visit again as Joshua has already talked about going back again.


Taylor is quite the clever and ingenious girl! She found a way to play with the windchimes again today that are hanging on the porch. She got a long stick and was hitting it against all three sets of windchimes and just laughing and laughing. She thought that it was the coolest thing! A memory that I don't want to forget. She was too cute. Daddy just commented that Taylor learned this from her brother...oh, how the memory is failing me!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


One of Taylor's playgroup friends, Audrey, is moving to Turkey for six months with her family, and so we went to her goodbye party at the park. Below is a cute picture of all of the kids together.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Peter Pan!

We took the kids to a Peter Pan Musical put on by kids at the Mable House Ampitheatre tonight. They loved it! It was a two hour performance that started at 7pm and lasted until 9pm. I didn't know if they were going to get tired and want to go home, but they both stayed awake and seemed to enjoy the show...and the concessions stand was a big hit, too...popcorn, chocolate...can't go wrong with that! Success for our family outing!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Tall Tale Tonic!

We went to the Center for Puppetry Arts today after Taylor had her 3 year check up. We picked up Zoe and Michelle Drye and drove to Midtown. We first had a puppet workshop in which the man in charge of the workshop read "The Hungry Hungry Caterpillar" to them and used a caterpillar puppet. After he read the book, the kids got to make a butterfly puppet. Taylor had fun making her black butterfly with foam hearts on the wings and shiny plastic pieces glued on to the body of the caterpillar. The kids got to parade around the room with their new butterflies and had a blast. We then got to go to the puppet show called "Tall Tale Tonic" which was the story of Paul Bunyon, Pecos Bill, an Indian and another man who built the RR out west. Taylor had a great time for the first half of an hour, and then she got a big restless. We managed to make it through the last half an hour without having to excuse ourselves from the show and then headed home for lunch. It is a long time for a three year old to sit, but it was a cute show and I was glad that we got to see it! Next week, Joshua gets to go with his class to the same show!

Taylor's three year check up

Taylor had her three year check up today with Dr Hines. She is quite the persistent one and decided that she was not going to take off her Minnie Mouse shirt to put the gown on. I managed to get her pants off...but that was the best that I could do. She weighed 32 pounds (a six pound increase from her two year check up) and was 39 inches!!! Last year, she was 34 inches...she grew five inches in one year and jumped from the 45th percentile for height to the 90th for height! Her weight was in the 75th percentile. have grown a lot!!! On peanut butter and Danactive! Who knew?? She sat on my lap and tolerated Dr Hines examining her. I talked about my concerns with her speech development due to her pacifier being in her mouth 75% of the day and Dr Hines thought that her language sounded ok from the words that Taylor spoke, but that she should be able to pronounce all of her words clearly now and if she can't, then we need to throw the pacifiers away in front of her and give it two months. If her speech is not better by then, then we should see a Speech therapist. Oh, she is soooo dependent on that paci. I am so not looking forward to dealing with the consequences of her withdrawal from her pacifier. But I know that it's something that has to be done. She got two shots today, the HIB shot and Prevnavar...not sure if I spelled that one right. She cried, but was a big girl and was happier when she got a sucker and sticker of Minnie Mouse. One more well child check up checked off the list!!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Joshua's birthday countdown

Joshua asked how many days were left until his birthday...which I believe was about a month and a half. He only heard the month part and start counting backwards in the thirties until his birthday...too cute! I had to take a picture to show how excited he is for his birthday to come.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Joshua's First Love Note!

Tonight, we went to CCS for a talent show/fashion follies/PTF Officer Elections. We started out at Zucca's Restaurant with two other families from the K5 class (the Scott Family and the Cameron Family). When we got there, Colleen (who is in Joshua's class), gave Joshua a piece of paper in which she had drawn the keys of a computer on the inside with an apple on outside. Joshua is totally smitten with Colleen and so I'm sure that he was excited that she make something for him. We all ate dinner together with the adults at one end of the table and the kids at the other end entertaining each other. We then headed to the school for the meeting. First came the officer elections. I had been nominated for the Secretary position) and was a little nervous about whether or not this is something I was ready for due to the time commitment, but God/CCS Parents had faith in my abilities and voted for next year will be a new chapter in my life moving away from MOPS responsibilities into more CCS responsibilities. Then came the talent/variety show portion of the evening. As the CCS kids were performing, Joshua was busy drawing a picture of Colleen and then a picture of himself with their names and a big circle around the stick figures. He then asked for the picture of the computer that Colleen had made for him and asked he how to spell "love'. I had a feeling that I knew where this was going and he proceeded to write "Love Colleen and Joshua" and then put "I" in front of it. He then wanted to give it to Colleen. I tried to talk him out of him b/c I didn't want him to end up being embarrassed or to embarrass Colleen, but he was not going to back down so he passed it up two rows to her and she read it and smiled. Her older sister looked back at me with huge eyes with a shocked look on her face. I thought, "Oh no, this isn't good"...but Colleen acted perfectly fine and Joshua went up to sit with her after that. It is so hard to believe that at this age, he is already distracted by girls!!! Colleen is really sweet and social, and I can see why she is fun to be around, but my baby is too young to be in love!!! Puppy love! Hopefully, he had fun with it and will now move forward and not write any more love notes in the near future, except to his Mommy!!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Joshua has a crush!

So, Joshua came home from school today and as soon as he was in the kitchen, he said "Mommy, when I am line leader, and we get to call on people in the class, I can't help but to call on Colleen". I said, "You like Colleen, don't know?" and he said "Yes" with the biggest smile on his face. My boy already has a crush on a girl!!! He's so young, and it's already starting. Sweet boy! Colleen is a really sweet girl, but hopefully he'll be able to control his emotions and concentrate on his studies for the next 18 or so years!!!