Thursday, April 22, 2010

Tall Tale Tonic!

We went to the Center for Puppetry Arts today after Taylor had her 3 year check up. We picked up Zoe and Michelle Drye and drove to Midtown. We first had a puppet workshop in which the man in charge of the workshop read "The Hungry Hungry Caterpillar" to them and used a caterpillar puppet. After he read the book, the kids got to make a butterfly puppet. Taylor had fun making her black butterfly with foam hearts on the wings and shiny plastic pieces glued on to the body of the caterpillar. The kids got to parade around the room with their new butterflies and had a blast. We then got to go to the puppet show called "Tall Tale Tonic" which was the story of Paul Bunyon, Pecos Bill, an Indian and another man who built the RR out west. Taylor had a great time for the first half of an hour, and then she got a big restless. We managed to make it through the last half an hour without having to excuse ourselves from the show and then headed home for lunch. It is a long time for a three year old to sit, but it was a cute show and I was glad that we got to see it! Next week, Joshua gets to go with his class to the same show!

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