Thursday, April 22, 2010

Taylor's three year check up

Taylor had her three year check up today with Dr Hines. She is quite the persistent one and decided that she was not going to take off her Minnie Mouse shirt to put the gown on. I managed to get her pants off...but that was the best that I could do. She weighed 32 pounds (a six pound increase from her two year check up) and was 39 inches!!! Last year, she was 34 inches...she grew five inches in one year and jumped from the 45th percentile for height to the 90th for height! Her weight was in the 75th percentile. have grown a lot!!! On peanut butter and Danactive! Who knew?? She sat on my lap and tolerated Dr Hines examining her. I talked about my concerns with her speech development due to her pacifier being in her mouth 75% of the day and Dr Hines thought that her language sounded ok from the words that Taylor spoke, but that she should be able to pronounce all of her words clearly now and if she can't, then we need to throw the pacifiers away in front of her and give it two months. If her speech is not better by then, then we should see a Speech therapist. Oh, she is soooo dependent on that paci. I am so not looking forward to dealing with the consequences of her withdrawal from her pacifier. But I know that it's something that has to be done. She got two shots today, the HIB shot and Prevnavar...not sure if I spelled that one right. She cried, but was a big girl and was happier when she got a sucker and sticker of Minnie Mouse. One more well child check up checked off the list!!

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