Friday, October 8, 2010

Field trip to Atlanta History Center

I chaperoned the field trip to the Atlanta History Center today. We drove Mrs Dubsky to and from the event. Joshua seemed to enjoy it and they went through a farm once owned by a family right at the end of the slave owning era. They toured the house, learned about cotton picking and growing, bathing back then and herbs to make them smell better, and the blacksmith shop. Taylor got a little bored at times and started being noisy and ornery so she and I stood outside several times to not disturb the group. We learned what a few phrases meant...Marbles are called marbles because they used to actually be made from marble. The term Spinster came from the eldest daughter still at home who was put in charge of spinning wool on the spinning wheel. The term "Sleep tight" came from the beds that had rope strung through the underneath of the bed to hold the mattress up. When the rope became slack, they had to tighten the ropes to make the bed firm again...hence "Sleep tight". Now we know!

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