Friday, October 1, 2010

Muffins with Moms

I got to spend the morning with my sweet boy during Muffins for Moms. He was so cuddly this morning with me and I think that I got at least 20 kisses during the event. He really enjoyed having me all to himself without having to share:) Daddy and Taylor hung out at home while I set up for the event and sat with Joshua during the program. Quite a few of the kids got to get up and share the answers to questions that were sent home for the kids and dads to fill out. I got the form today that Joshua filled out and here were the questions and answers:

1. How has your mom helped you in learning how to "Let Your Light Shine"? because she tells me the right thing to do

2. What is your favorite time with your mom? when my mom plays with me

3. What is the best advice your mom has ever given you? when she tells me to treat others as I would like to be treated.

4. If you could give your mom anything, what would it be? make some jewelry out of paper and give it to her.

5. If your mom could give you anything, what would you want it to be? a remote control helicopter or plane.

Joshua, I love your answers and I will do my best to play with you as much as I can and worry about those items on my "to do" list for later in the evening. I love you so much and you mean the world to me! I am so very proud of the young man you are and know that you are going to do great things! Let your light shine always!!

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