Saturday, October 23, 2010

Locked in!!

I had just finished my workout in the exercise room as Taylor came into the room and began playing around with the elliptical machine. Somewhere in the process of her walking in and me finishing up, she had shut the door to the room. Years ago, when Joshua was in the room, we had changed the lock to be on the outside of the door for timeout purposes as well as a way of him not being able to lock himself in his room. Well, she had decided the flip the lock around before shutting the door... To my dismay and panic, I was unable to open the door as I prepared to go out into the living room and get the kids upstairs for their bedtime routine. My first thought was "Stay calm"...hoping that if I pounded on the door loud enough and yelled that Doug would hear me. I pounded on the door several times and yelled at the top of my lungs as Taylor sat on the floor looking very sheepish, knowing that she had done something wrong. Thankfully, Doug heard us from upstairs and came to rescue us before I went to plan B which was to try to force something between the lock to pry the door open. I would have found a way to bust that door down before I was going to be stuck in there for an hour or more in panic mode! Hopefully, Taylor won't pull that one off anymore!!

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