Joshua's Gifts:
Plug and Play TV Star Wars game
Star wars storm trooper, eopie and another star wars character
Plasma car
Erector vehicle set
Spinning light sabers
"Treasure Planet" and "Atlantis" movies
books "The Grinch that Stole Christmas", "An Angel named Herman",
Battleship travel game
Mickey Mouse hat
Citi blocks from Aunt Christina
Swimming fins from Aun Christina and Aunt Angela
nano bug and lego camper from Aunt Angela
Penguin pillow pet, "Clone Wars" DVD, and angel ornament from Grandma and Grandpa
Camping inflatable bed mat, nerf gun, and police light up rifle from Gran and Grandaddy
"Cars" movie rolling suitcase, Jingle bells noisemaker, and balloon blow up kit from Aunt Tricia
"Thomas" book from Julie Jones
Sponge Bob car activity book and reader book from Melissa Beard
elf ornament from Great Grandma Weatherholt
Veggie Tales "St Nicholas" movie from Terri Behling
house ornament decorating kit from Julie Hews
Gifts for Taylor:
Fur Real walking puppy, colorful flower necklace, jumping frogs game, and angel ornament from Mommy, Daddy, Grandma and Grandpa
Minnie Mouse dress up set
plasma car
Crayola Glow Station from Grandma and Grandpa, Mommy and Daddy
Unicorn Pillow Pet, and "Twinkle Star" Little Pony movie from Aunt Angela
teddy bear and Meal Making Playdoh station, and jingle bells noise maker from Aunt Tricia
Minnie Sweatshirt and Minnie car and tote from Aunt Chris
Disney Princess scooter and Cake Making Playdoh station from Gran and Grandaddy
"Minnie Bowtique" and "Mickey's Learning Game" DVDs
Winnie the Pooh Book and Dr Seuss books
Minnie Mouse tote
Sesame street coloring activity book and reader book from Melissa Beard
Sewing cards from Julie Jones
gingerbread man ornament from Great Grandma Weatherholt
Veggie Tales "St Nicholas" movie from Terri Behling
house ornament decorating kit from Julie Hews
Shared gift for Taylor and Joshua: "Beauty and the Beast" and "The Tale of Desperaux" movies
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Saturday, December 25, 2010
White Christmas!
It snowed on Christmas here in Atlanta! We didn't get much, but enough to make get snowballs and have fun pummeling each other with them. Taylor was the polite one and spent her time throwing the snowballs against the windows. Doug and I got some great swings at each other and Joshua took turns being on my side and then Daddy's. My mom and dad got in on the fun as well. They came out to watch the grand kids enjoy the rare sight of snow play in the South. Grandma said that the kids would make great Hoosiers with their love for the snow. Taylor and Joshua begged us to get out in the snow even though it was getting dark quickly. I thought, "Why not" often do they get to play in the snow...especially on Christmas Day! We actually got a white Christmas...I guess that the last white Christmas here in Atlanta was in 1822...pretty spectacular to watch the beautiful huge flakes coming down from the sky. It was perfect snow to pack and throw, too. The perfect trio...snow, snow that packed easily, and no wind/not too cold. Christina briefly joined in with just a scarf wrapped on her head! Silly coat, just the scarf! Taylor didn't want to come in and told Daddy that she wanted to play in the dark. What is it about playing in the dark that is so much fun?! The perfect ending to a beautiful Christmas.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Taylor and I would go to McDonald's a couple times a week to get breakfast after dropping Joshua off for school and her favorite breakfast food was a biscuit which she calls a "skiskit"...One day, I went to Chick fil a instead and she discovered their biscuits and now wants one literally every day. So, every morning after dropping Joshua off, I wait to hear, "I want a skiskit" and it never fails. The girl is addicted!
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Spooky spider webs....Thanks to Grandma!
We received a Halloween package in the mail a couple of days ago from Grandma and Grandpa as we get every year. This year, Grandma decided to send us spider web decorations with skeletons, bats and spiders to put in the web. Joshua couldn't wait to decorate the porch in the webs. So, we thought about doing it last night, but it got too dark and cold. Joshua was disappointed, but took it well, and was able to hold out until today. We all had fun hanging four different webs and even Taylor got in on putting spiders in the webs. I must say that it looks pretty good on our porch. I had to take some pictures to show Grandma the finished product. I have to remember to send it to her! She also sent us all candy and sent the kids bright card stock and paper to make crafts with as well as Halloween paper plates and napkins. We'll have to give Grandma and Grandpa a call and thank them for the goodies!!
Locked in!!
I had just finished my workout in the exercise room as Taylor came into the room and began playing around with the elliptical machine. Somewhere in the process of her walking in and me finishing up, she had shut the door to the room. Years ago, when Joshua was in the room, we had changed the lock to be on the outside of the door for timeout purposes as well as a way of him not being able to lock himself in his room. Well, she had decided the flip the lock around before shutting the door... To my dismay and panic, I was unable to open the door as I prepared to go out into the living room and get the kids upstairs for their bedtime routine. My first thought was "Stay calm"...hoping that if I pounded on the door loud enough and yelled that Doug would hear me. I pounded on the door several times and yelled at the top of my lungs as Taylor sat on the floor looking very sheepish, knowing that she had done something wrong. Thankfully, Doug heard us from upstairs and came to rescue us before I went to plan B which was to try to force something between the lock to pry the door open. I would have found a way to bust that door down before I was going to be stuck in there for an hour or more in panic mode! Hopefully, Taylor won't pull that one off anymore!!
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Fall Reading Challenge
Joshua received a certificate for participating in the Fall Reading Challenge at school. He read 450 pages in a month, which we are very proud of him for! He is really enjoying reading and picks up books on his own in the car and will read to himself now. So awesome to see his reading skills blossoming. He also got a certificate for a free milkshake that I'm sure he will very much enjoy! Go, Joshua! Keep up the great reading:)
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
All About Me Project
Joshua's first project for 1st grade was the "All About Me Project." He was to put together a poster of pictures, souvenirs, etc telling about his life. We ended up printing up a bunch of pictures after interviewing Joshua on his current favorite things to do/eat, as well as family pictures to add to the mix. He told us that his favorite food is cake, and his favorite healthy food is strawberries. His favorite place to visit is his cousins in Charlotte and his favorite vacation is Disney with his favorite ride being "Everest" roller coaster. His favorite activities are playing with Legos, building car tracks and drawing. Favorite things to do are jump on the trampoline, play basketball, and ride his scooter. He also loves to splash in the ocean and play in the sand. We put a cross in the center of the poster as the center of his life and he wrote each of the our family names around the sides of the poster (his idea). Taylor and I came to school to see him present his poster and he mumbled a bit as he seemed a bit embarrassed up in front of the class, but he was all smiles and it was fun to see him up there. Taylor was wanting to be part of the show by calling out for her brother throughout the presentations and wanting to play with her new Mickey Mouse key chain with buttons that make car noises. That didn't go over so well in a quiet classroom! So Taylor and I spent some time outside the room looking at all of the kids posters who had already given their presentations. Great Job, Joshua!! Way to go.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Daddy's birthday weekend
Daddy's birthday weekend was a lot of fun. We started out the weekend by going to Burt's Pumpkin Patch. Doug took the day off from work and Joshua had the day off at school so we headed to the North GA mountains. We ended up picking out a medium sized $10 pumpkin and Taylor picked out a smaller pumpkin that is good for making pumpkin pie with. They also each got a mini pumpkin (which ended up being Taylor's favorite). After buying pumpkins, we headed over to the hayride area. The hayride is always a big hit, and it was fun to see the pumpkins in the fields, and just enjoy the beautiful Fall leaves and fresh air. After Burt's, we headed to Amicaloa Falls and hiked from the top of the falls to about half way down...the point were you can stand on a bridge with a close up view of the falls. Taylor walked part of of the time and got a ride from Daddy the other half of the time. Joshua is quite the hiker now and keeps up a good pace. We then drove down to the bottom of the park and the kids played on the playground for close to an hour. We ended out the day at the outlet mall...per Mommy's request and Daddy's dismay:)
On Saturday, Daddy and Joshua sold popcorn for the cub scouts fundraiser. On Sunday, we went to church, ate lunch at one of our favorite restaurants, Sweet Tomatoes, and then we hiked at Sweet Water Creek in the afternoon. Joshua did not remember hiking there before, which is amazing, because we have been there so many times before. The water level was low, and so all of us had fun climbing across the rocks and making it out about halfway across the river! Great day to spend outside as the weather was gorgeous. We then picked up a pizza, ate dinner, sang Happy Birthday to Daddy, ate chocolate cake and then Daddy got to open gifts. Before bedtime, the kids went with Daddy outside and jumped on the trampoline in the dark, which has become the new hit which Taylor started the day before!!
Happy Birthday, Doug!!
On Saturday, Daddy and Joshua sold popcorn for the cub scouts fundraiser. On Sunday, we went to church, ate lunch at one of our favorite restaurants, Sweet Tomatoes, and then we hiked at Sweet Water Creek in the afternoon. Joshua did not remember hiking there before, which is amazing, because we have been there so many times before. The water level was low, and so all of us had fun climbing across the rocks and making it out about halfway across the river! Great day to spend outside as the weather was gorgeous. We then picked up a pizza, ate dinner, sang Happy Birthday to Daddy, ate chocolate cake and then Daddy got to open gifts. Before bedtime, the kids went with Daddy outside and jumped on the trampoline in the dark, which has become the new hit which Taylor started the day before!!
Happy Birthday, Doug!!
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Joshua's growing up!
Joshua took a shower last night! He and Daddy took a quick shower the other day, and afterwards, I told him that he really is old enough to shower instead of bathe if he wants. I guess that he thought it over because Doug came and told me that Taylor was in the tub and Joshua was in the shower. It's kind of new territory to realize that I don't have little little ones anymore...they are growing up before our eyes!
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Parent Teacher Conference with Mrs. Dubsky
I had a conference with Mrs Dubsky today to talk about Joshua's performance in school. Joshua, you are doing great!! I was so proud of you looking at her report. I was proud of you anyway, but you are doing so well in school and the report reiterated that. You are getting all A's!!! Way to go! You have an E in bible verse memory, and the only recommendations she had for you were to work on listening to oral instruction in class. Sometimes, you can get distracted in class....we are surprised with are similar at home! And the other thing was to work on neatness of your work. This one surprised me because you have such beautiful handwriting and have always gotten good reviews on your handwriting from previous teachers. I told Mrs. Dubsky that I was wondered if you were trying to work faster to get your work done and were not being as neat as a result. Last year and the year before, you tended to work slowly and the teachers were always trying to get you to work faster. This may be a result of trying to work faster. She also said that she really enjoys your good attitude in class. You tend to be pretty mellow about most things and are in a good mood almost always. That is a great attribute, Joshua! Mrs. Dubsky got a kick out of Taylor as well and I think that Taylor is pushing her future mommy strings! Joshua, you are awesome and we are so so proud of you:)
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Future Salesman??
Joshua and Doug went to the Kroger store off Atlanta Road today to sell Boy Scout Popcorn for the tiger cubs fundraiser. Doug said that he sat back and watched Joshua make the sales. After about 10 minutes, Joshua was in his groove and was approaching everyone about buying popcorn. He would continue to follow people as they were entering the store and tell them that they could buy a bag of microwave popcorn for just $1, or a popped bag for $10 or a whole box (as he stretched his arms out huge) of popcorn for $18. He even showed them how small $1 was with his two fingers to buy a single bag of popcorn. He did great! He sold $145.07 in popcorn in two hours and Doug said that several people couldn't say no because he was just too cute! It sounds like Joshua was definitely in his element, and I would have loved to have watched him in action, but I didn't want to distract him from his "job". Great Job, Joshua! It sounds like you have a natural talent for selling! Way to go:) With orders from family and us, he will make around $250 which earns him a flashlight, pocket knife, carboner bottle and $10 WalMart gift card!
Friday, October 8, 2010
Field trip to Atlanta History Center
I chaperoned the field trip to the Atlanta History Center today. We drove Mrs Dubsky to and from the event. Joshua seemed to enjoy it and they went through a farm once owned by a family right at the end of the slave owning era. They toured the house, learned about cotton picking and growing, bathing back then and herbs to make them smell better, and the blacksmith shop. Taylor got a little bored at times and started being noisy and ornery so she and I stood outside several times to not disturb the group. We learned what a few phrases meant...Marbles are called marbles because they used to actually be made from marble. The term Spinster came from the eldest daughter still at home who was put in charge of spinning wool on the spinning wheel. The term "Sleep tight" came from the beds that had rope strung through the underneath of the bed to hold the mattress up. When the rope became slack, they had to tighten the ropes to make the bed firm again...hence "Sleep tight". Now we know!
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Sparkles Roller Skating!
We had our first ever CCS Sparkles Roller Skating Event. This was an event that I was responsible for and so I thought it would be fun to throw in an 80's theme and have a contest for the best 80's outfits and we also judged the best skating moves. The night was a lot of fun and Taylor and Joshua both tried out skating...with some challenges. Daddy took them both out onto the rink, but it was really hard to keep them up on two feet, so Joshua wanted to go play in the indoor play area most of the time, and Taylor eventually followed suit. She tried really hard to get those skates to work and had the most success on the carpet. She really didn't want to leave at the end of the night and cried pretty hard as well took the skates off of her feet. Daddy won the best male 80's outfit with a true vintage 80's shirt he had kept from high school! We will definitely have to go back and skate again on Monday Dollar Skate Night!! Doug has fun as well skating around the rink and said that he skated just as well as he did back in the day...which I guess wasn't more than one foot in front of another! I didn't even attempt to get out there on skates with my foot and ankle problems due to a previous car accident. But it was fun watching everyone else skate around.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Taylor's "camping" experience with the cub scouts
We arrived about 2:30 pm on Saturday to join the boys camping in Covington at the Trailblazer camping event. Taylor had fun hanging with the boys, running around, sitting with Mommy and playing in the tent. She enjoyed using the ladies room many times (I think mostly for the fun of it) and loved using her glow sticks in the dark. We had spaghetti for dinner and then roasted marshmallows when it got dark. We didn't actually get to do any of the activities because by the time Taylor and I got there, Joshua was wearing down and just wanting to run around at the campsite and play with the boys. He had already done bb shooting, archery, and slingshots that day along with a bird show. I was wondering if Taylor was going to get comfortable enough with the campsite/tent to want to stay the night...and she gave it a good effort, but backed out around 10:30. She and I laid in the tent for an hour and she was having fun shining her glow sticks at the boys running around outside the tent, and then she realized that she was not going to be able to sleep in the tent and she asked to go home. I was well caffeinated, and so she and I drove the hour home and Taylor zonked in the car five minutes after I pulled out of the campground. I carried her to her bed and she happily slept until morning. It was a good experience for her, and I have a feeling that in a year, she will be more than happy to sleep in a tent! Daddy and Joshua are already looking forward to the next camping experience which will be in the Winter and quite chilly. Hopefully, they will stay warm around the fire!!
Friday, October 1, 2010
Camping with Pack 11
Tonight, Joshua and Daddy are camping at Bert Adams Boy Scout Camp in Covington, GA. I just spoke with Daddy on the phone about a half an hour ago and it sounds like you guys are settled in at the campground. The tent was set up with all of the things inside. You are running around with your classmate Jack. It was sweet to talk with you, Joshua, and know that you are having fun with Daddy and your friends. Taylor missed you two tonight as I put her to bed. She wanted Daddy to read her a book. We will be heading to Covington tomorrow after stopping by Maddy's birthday party in the morning. Daddy and I are so excited that you have found an activity that you really enjoy in the Tiger Cubs and Daddy has found something that he enjoys in being your Den Leader and getting to spend time in the outdoors doing "boy" stuff together! Love my boys! And my sweet girl, who cannot wait to sleep in her new sleeping bag and tent!
Muffins with Moms
I got to spend the morning with my sweet boy during Muffins for Moms. He was so cuddly this morning with me and I think that I got at least 20 kisses during the event. He really enjoyed having me all to himself without having to share:) Daddy and Taylor hung out at home while I set up for the event and sat with Joshua during the program. Quite a few of the kids got to get up and share the answers to questions that were sent home for the kids and dads to fill out. I got the form today that Joshua filled out and here were the questions and answers:
1. How has your mom helped you in learning how to "Let Your Light Shine"? because she tells me the right thing to do
2. What is your favorite time with your mom? when my mom plays with me
3. What is the best advice your mom has ever given you? when she tells me to treat others as I would like to be treated.
4. If you could give your mom anything, what would it be? make some jewelry out of paper and give it to her.
5. If your mom could give you anything, what would you want it to be? a remote control helicopter or plane.
Joshua, I love your answers and I will do my best to play with you as much as I can and worry about those items on my "to do" list for later in the evening. I love you so much and you mean the world to me! I am so very proud of the young man you are and know that you are going to do great things! Let your light shine always!!
1. How has your mom helped you in learning how to "Let Your Light Shine"? because she tells me the right thing to do
2. What is your favorite time with your mom? when my mom plays with me
3. What is the best advice your mom has ever given you? when she tells me to treat others as I would like to be treated.
4. If you could give your mom anything, what would it be? make some jewelry out of paper and give it to her.
5. If your mom could give you anything, what would you want it to be? a remote control helicopter or plane.
Joshua, I love your answers and I will do my best to play with you as much as I can and worry about those items on my "to do" list for later in the evening. I love you so much and you mean the world to me! I am so very proud of the young man you are and know that you are going to do great things! Let your light shine always!!
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Joshua is mastering reading
Joshua is doing so well with reading. He definitely made a huge leap at the end of the Summer after spending the Summer reading prior to bedtime. He has taken off in his skills with the start of the new school year, which is such a blessing because he didn't seem to enjoy it before his 1st grade year. Now that it is becoming easier for him, he is having fun reading new books and it is a joy to hear him read and know that it is no longer an assignment or chore, but something he is enjoying on his own. He picks up a book or tries to read signs/labels on his own here and there, and we look forward to him make reading his own more and more. I will always love to sit with him at bedtime and listen to him read so I hope that that won't end anytime soon! Keep it up, Joshua! You are awesome!
Taylor announces that her potty training is done!
Doug told me that Taylor announced to him that she was done potty training. That would be such a huge blessing!! She has been doing so well lately. An accident usually happens once a day and sometimes she has no accidents in a day, as was the case today. She has come a long way and we are soooo proud of her. She knows that she will get a Minnie Mouse cake and party when she is done training and it will be so much fun to celebrate with her. Once she is done, we need to decide if she should go back to preschool or not. There is definitely positives and negatives to both options and we'll just need to pray about it and make a decision when the time comes. We are so proud of you, Taylor!!
Tiger Cubs
Joshua is an official Tiger Cub!! He has attended three meetings now and Doug has agreed to be co-leader of the Tiger Cubs if he is accepted (which I'm sure that he will be). It has put an extra pep in his step and he is excited to "give back" in this way. Joshua seems to be really enjoying the scouts and they are looking forward to their first camping trip on the first weekend of October. Joshua is now officially outfitted in Tiger Cubs gear as of this weekend. He and Daddy and Taylor went to the Cub Scouts store and purchased his shirt, necktie, slide, and cap. I get to sew on the patches to his new uniform. This is going to be a great time of bonding with Daddy and son, and Taylor and I will join in on the fun as much as possible as well. I am still trying to decide if Taylor should join in on the first camping adventure or not. We only have two sleeping bags now (one just ordered for Doug!), so we would be short on supplies...It's going to be a great year!
Monday, September 6, 2010
Labor Day with the Michalaks
We spent Labor Day weekend with Grandpa and Grandma and Aunt Angela, Uncle Doug and the kids in Charlotte. Joshua spent all of his time with Daniel, which was expected, and Daniel wore Joshua out! Joshua can keep up with Daniel, but he definitely is exhausted at the end of the weekend and it takes him a day or two to catch up on his sleep! They had fun jumping on the trampoline and play fighting with their light sabers. We went to the Matthews parade on Saturday morning of the weekend, and the boys and Ashley had a blast accumulating candy and goodies from the people walking along with their floats. Taylor and Lindsay got in on the fun about half way through the parade and collected some candy as well. We then had a picnic lunch and then walked through the craft areas and got to ride the crazy train. This train ride was a small train (holding approx 20 people) that makes sharp turns and zigs and zags through a parking lot with this crazy old man who had quite the personality. This man has definitely found his calling! Joshua and Taylor both really enjoyed the silliness and the man even asked Taylor if she was following him. Joshua and Daniel rode a spinning ride and Taylor rode a car that flew up and down and around in circles. We attended Doug and Angela's church on Sunday and then we headed to the National Whitewater Training facility. What a place! This is an Olympic training center for rafting and anyone can pay and spend the day rafting or kayaking around this man-made course. They also had a zip line, rocking climbing, and a mountain biking course. It was really impressive and I'd love to take the kids rafting their someday when they are old enough, which will be awhile considering the age requirement is 12. We had a good time just watching the rafters and kayakers and we even climbed onto the rocks and stuck our feet in the water. A great weekend with the family and we are hoping to make it back for Halloween!
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Keeping Up With Taylor!
Joshua told me today that he needed to drink a juice box to "Get some energy to keep up with Taylor"...cracks me up!! Joshua, at 6 years old, feels like he needs extra help to keep up with his sister. Normally, it's the other way around!! Kids say the darnest things!
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
2nd Tooth Lost!
Joshua lost his second tooth yesterday! I was thinking that I could work on his tooth fairy pillow after I got home from the PTF Middle School Orientation, but then it hit me that he would be asleep and that I needed to get it done before I left for his I kicked in to high gear and found a child size pillow that I had bought a few years ago, and was going to sew a felt tooth pocket on the pillow case, but my "tooth" did not really look like a tooth according to Doug. So, I turned the tooth into a heart and sewed it onto the pillow. Joshua was happy with the heart and placed his tiny lower tooth in the pocket. He was so excited to get a visit from the tooth fairy! He got $3 from the tooth fairy and had to spend it at the Dollar Tree!
Monday, August 16, 2010
Hives vs eczema
Taylor's chest and back are looking bad again. We're not sure if it's hives or eczema, but she has had her allergy testing and so we know that none of the typical allergens came up as high on the allergy triggers for her. We are pretty sure that she has a strong reaction to chlorine because it seems to really flare up after she has been to the pool. Daddy took them to Spraygrounds yesterday, which is a playground up in Roswell that has water fountains for the kids to play in. The park also has a playground for the kids and they had a great time with Daddy on both. I wonder if the water had chlorine in it because her skin looked so irritated day later. I took them to the Glenleigh pool to play and swim with the Hynes kids and Taylor did play in the baby pool for awhile which is chlorinated as well. The bigger pool is a saline pool which doesn't seem to irritate her skin. We will have to continue to experiment and see if her skin totally clears up when she is not in pool water anymore as Fall is around the corner!
Paper airplanes and newly painted room
Joshua's new pass time this Summer has been making paper airplanes. He makes at least one new one a day and I find them in various places around the house. He's getting better at making them, too, and they are flying better and better. He wants to put a picture of a fighter jet plane up in his newly painted room. We painted his room blue...he picked out the color and shade "Gentle Sky" and Daddy painted it in a day. Then we got him a new "older boy" fan which should last him through his school career...we hope!! His room looks really nice and it's decked out with a bright blue clock on the wall. Now I've just got to get some prints for his bare walls and we will be in business!
Week one of 1st grade!
Well, we made it through week one of first grade. It was a bit rocky as Joshua wanted to have a "break" from school after day two of school. The routine was a struggle for him to get used to again, but he made it through the first week and seems to be better this week as long as he gets adequate play time in at home after school. We worked on his math homework tonight, and then he got all of his spelling words right...other than turning a few letters backwards. We'll keep plugging away until he gets 100% before Friday. He was very excited that he figured out how to spell them all, and I was a bit surprised as well. For day one of learning the words, he was awesome! Way to go, Joshua!! You are doing great:) His reading has really blossomed over the Summer as well. He's reading much faster and getting the majority of the words on his own without help. Doing great! Keep it up:)
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Shortest Preschool Experience in History!
Well, Taylor made it to day three at preschool and then had an accident in her pants. The school knew that she was not potty trained and said that they would work with me, but when this happened, I received a call to come pick her up. The administrator told me that I could keep her home for a couple of weeks and then made a decision by Labor Day and that they would hold her spot. I was shocked that I got a call to come pick her up considering how wonderful Golden Start was with Joshua not being potty trained and working with him. I am so grateful to them for the grace that they showed me. The main reason we did not send Taylor there was that the cost was higher there this year than at this one. So, I will likely not be sending Taylor back there for two reasons: I don't think that she will be 100% trained in the next two weeks, and I wasn't happy with the way the situation was handled. Now I just need to decide if I should put her in a Mother's Morning Out program, or just keep her at home this year. Decisions!!
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Joshua's 6 year check up
Joshua had his 6 year check up today. He is 48 inches tall and 59.2 lbs (90th percentile for height and weight). He's right on track staying between the 90th and 95th percentile for height and weight. No shots today!! Joshua's vision is good, too. He has 20/20 vision when using both eyes and 20/25 vision when using one eye at a time. I was relieved that I could read the letters Joshua could read and a few that he couldn't. I'm glad that my eyes are still in good shape! Taylor wanted to be checked by the doctor as well and wanted her weight taken , too, which is funny because when it is an appointment for her, she wants nothing to do with the doctor. I guess that she wanted the attention her brother was getting!!
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Cracker Butter
This is Taylor's name for Peanut Butter and Crackers. She used to just ask for crackers and we knew that she meant peanut butter and crackers. When we took the peanut butter away for a week while we thought that she was allergic to it, and she realized that asking for crackers literally only got her "crackers"....she learned that she needed to come up with a new phrase for what she wanted. We are so thankful that she is not allergic to peanut butter as she loves it so much. I'm hoping that one day we will be able to get a broader spectrum of proteins in her as well!
Friday, August 6, 2010
Joshua goes to his 1st grade classroom!
After we picked up Taylor from her first day of preschool, we went to CCS to go to Joshua's new classroom to drop off his school supplies and meet his teacher. His teacher this year will be Mrs. Dubsky, who seems really sweet and soft spoken. She had goodie bags for all of the kids on their desks and Joshua was excited about that! He put his supplies at his desk which is in the front row and then he chatted with Mrs Dubsky and talked with his other classmates who were in the room. Jack and Patrick are in his class this year which he was excited about. There is one girl that has been in the other class in previous years that I have been warned about who is in his class this year. She can be critical of her peers and I will be praying that she is growing in her walk with Jesus and that her heart will soften for others this year and that the teacher will not have a difficult time with her either. Joshua seems excited to be back in the school environment and he stops in the office every time we have gone to school this past week and says "Hi" to Ms Garrett and has given her several hugs. She was such a great Kindergarten teacher. I hope that this year will be as successful as last year! You are growing up, Joshua!!! We are proud of our boy:)
Taylor's 1st Day of Preschool
First Day...a success for the most part. Taylor was excited to go to school on Friday. She wore a new outfit that we picked out at Costco the day before and she wanted to wear her new backpack to the car and into the school. She told me this morning that we were going to go to Joshua's school, and I told her that we were going to her new school. I think that she thought that she would be going to Covenant as well. We got her to school, and she walked up to the doors and then wanted to be picked up. I carried her into the school and she wanted to play on the playground right away. I told her that her class would probably play outside, although today was a 2 hour day to get the kids used to the new routine and class. When the three of us got into the room, Joshua immediately made himself at home playing with the toys and the kids. Taylor stood there and did not want her backpack to be taken off. She looked around the room and her nose began to get red as she was thinking about crying. Joshua and I stayed there for another 10 minutes trying to get her acclimated to the room. Joshua didn't want to leave! Once she seemed to start to settle in, I told Joshua that it was time to go. She tried to grab my hand to start walking out with us and I kissed her head and told her that we would come get her soon. She then started to get upset and the teacher grabbed her hand as Joshua and I headed out the door. I waited down the hall for a minute to see if she would stop crying, and thankfully, she did. I felt so sad for her because I didn't want her to think that I was leaving her in some strange place all by herself. When we came to get her, she was really excited to see us and her teacher said that she settled down quickly after we left and was fine the rest of the time. So, I would say that her first day was a success! And no accidents either! Taylor didn't use the potty while she was there, but she had a dry pull up when I came and got her.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Taylor gets a toddler bed
We ordered a Disney Princess bed for Taylor last week and it came in yesterday. Taylor was excited that she had a new bed and today, Daddy put it together. As he was opening the bed up, he said, "This is a VERY pink bed"...which it is. It is all girl! She loves it and was very possessive of her new bed when Daddy took it upstairs and put the crib mattress on it. I had really wanted to get a picture of her in her crib recently with her piles and piles of stuffed animals that she sleeps with. If she had her way, she would sleep with every stuffed animal she owns as well as every book as well. There is always barely enough room for Taylor to fit in her bed with all of the animals and books. I had to run to the grocery store tonight so Daddy put the kids to bed. He said that Taylor did not want Joshua on her new bed and she gave him a goodnight hug and laid down in her bed and did not get out of her room once he closed the door. We wondered what she would do with her new found freedom. I wonder what time she'll wake up in the morning, and whether or not she will get out of her bed on her own, or if she'll wait for me to come get her. I am so glad that she loves her new bed, but a little sad that the crib days are over. My baby girl is no longer a baby!
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Taylor meets Ms. Wanda
Taylor got to meet her teacher today, Ms Wanda Nichols. She seems really sweet. We got to the school and Taylor wanted to be picked up as we were entering the school (which she does almost anytime that we are going to enter a building) and then we made our way to her classroom with the light blue door. Ms Wanda's daughter and granddaughters were in the room as well. Her daughter is a teacher's assistant at the school as well. Joshua made himself at home on the floor with the toys and Taylor did not want me to let go of her, but I sat down on the floor with her in my lap and she relaxed pretty quickly and started playing on the floor. She had an "accident" while we were there so we went to the bathroom and I flushed her poopy in the toilet, and then she decided that she would try out the Sesame Street potty seat and she proceeded to go peepee on the potty. I was so proud of her for going at the school on the very first day. She's really made progress with her potty training overall and constantly asks for her "Minnie cake" as she will get when she is totally potty trained and not having accidents when she wears underwear. I bet that she'll be done in another month (at least I hope so). Taylor and Joshua sat at the table and colored/drew for a bit and then we headed out to the playground for some playtime before meeting Zoe Drye for lunch (who is also going to be at First Baptist in the 5 day program). I have a feeling that she will really enjoy school once the initial fear is gone. She was very excited to go check out her new school this morning and when I put on her tennis shoes, she excitedly said, "School shoes!". It was really cute. She's got a new backpack with her name embroidered on it as well which she really likes. I can't believe that my baby is going to school!
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Joshua is going underwater!
Joshua has seen some of his friends enjoy going underwater and swimming or standing on their hands, and I think that Clara going underwater yesterday in the pool encouraged him to do it. He started holding his breath and going underwater and today at the South Cobb Aquatic Center, he was going under water again, and he was so proud that he could do it! I am, too!
Taylor is excited about school!
I went to Taylor's parent orientation for her preschool at First Baptist of Mableton tonight. I've been worried that she wouldn't be able to go if she wasn't completely potty trained, but they are going to work with her. She is so close. She will go on the potty if she is naked, but if she has underwear on, she goes in her pants. Can't figure this girl out!!! How do I make the connection with her? When I got home, I told Taylor that I had been at her new school and I showed her her folder that I brought home and all of the papers. She was all excited and wanted to look at all of the papers in her folder and was mimicking reading the pages. It was so cute! I'm so glad that she is excited about school, yet, a little sad that my baby girl is growing up so fast!!
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Potty training
Taylor has been doing great this week potty training. It has gone easier than expected for the most part. When Taylor is naked on the lower half, she uses the potty for both peeing and pooping. But the minute I put underwear or a pull up on her to go out of the house, she forgets and goes in her pants. Help!! I don't know how to transition her with pants get her to understand that just because she has underwear on, it does not mean that she should go potty in her pants. I hope that we can get this figured out soon, for Mommy's sanity! It's been hard staying home this week and not doing anything fun, knowing that the summer weeks are slipping away and that they will both be in school soon. There were so many things that I wanted to do with them. It's a tough call...try hard to get her potty trained, or just go out and have fun and take it day by day and if she is able to go to preschool great...and if not, well...we'll keep her home this year.
Monday, July 19, 2010
No peanut allergy
I got a call from the doctor's office today and they had interesting news for us. Taylor does not have a peanut allergy...great news for Taylor considering that's all she wants to eat! The two things that showed up were mild and cat dander which her blood had a small reaction to. The nurse said that both were not enough of a reaction to be considered an allergy, but the milk reaction was slightly stronger than the cat dander reaction. She told me that it would be a good idea to keep the house vacuumed frequently and to give her less dairy and see if the hives stay away. She hasn't had hives since we first returned from VA, so hopefully, it was something that won't pop up again. Her skin is looking much better, too, likely due to the lack of chlorine pool use this week and last. She also had no reaction to soy, wheat, shrimp, walnuts, peanuts, corn, or dog dander. So if the hives return, I will start journaling what Taylor eats and is exposed to. So glad that we had her blood tested so that Taylor can eat peanut butter again, but wish we knew why she had gotten hives. It's a mystery!
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Joshua lost his 1st tooth!
I had a dentist appointment at 8 am this morning and didn't see either of the kids before heading out. When I got back home, Joshua was all excited at the door and told me that he had lost his tooth that had been very loose. He's been wiggling it for days and it has been so loose that it made my stomach a little queasy! He said that he wiggled it when he first woke up and it came right out. He was sooooo excited about it! He told me that it didn't even hurt. So...the tooth fairy gets to visit Joshua tonight and he is totally thrilled about it! The innocence and excitement of childhood! It is his front right tooth on the bottom. I have looked all through both of their closets today, looking for the tooth fairy pillow that I bought a few years ago, and I cannot find it. It must be in the big closet in the large bedroom which is an adventure in itself to go through everything. Hopefully, I can find it before the next tooth becomes loose. We just put his tooth in a plastic bag and stuck it under his pillow as a substitute. Sleep tight, Joshua!!
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Daddy and I got lots of kisses tonight from Taylor. She has been holding out lately, and not wanting to give kisses, but tonight, she was doling them out to her parents in large quantities! First, she kissed Daddy about 5 times on the lips and made quite the spectacle of it and then I gave her a goodnight hug and she kissed me many times on the lips with much animation. She was definitely getting a kick out of it and thought that it was quite entertaining to keep up the action. Too cute!
Taylor ate almond butter
Well, after much trauma, tears, and pounding of the door, Taylor broke down and decided that she was hungry enough to try almond butter. After the hives, we are not giving her any more peanut butter until we find out the results of her blood work. We have been trying to get her to try almond butter instead, since peanut butter is one of the main sources of protein she gets in her diet other than dairy foods. When she finally realized, after a time out, that she was not going to get peanut butter and that throwing objects at me and her brother were going to get her nowhere, she resigned to trying the almond butter....and she liked it and ate about 6 or 7 cracker sandwiches with the almond butter on it. What a relief that she likes another form of protein. I was a little nervous that she could be allergic to almonds, too, if she was allergic to peanuts, so I gave her more Benadryl after lunch just in case. I will be so glad to get those test results and get some answers!
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Taylor's doctor visit
Taylor had broken out in a small amount of hives yesterday morning after eating peanut butter and crackers at breakfast time. I wanted to figure out what was going on with her skin/allergies so I made an appointment today. She saw Dr Kohn today and I showed her pictures of the hives she had a little over a week ago and the sores that she has on her skin. One of Taylor's tonsils was a little inflamed and her temp was 99.1, so she went ahead and did a strep test on her to rule it out first. Strep can cause hives, but her test came back negative. She told me that the sores on her skin where eczema that she was scratching and the bacteria on the skin get into the skin and cause it to become irritated. She recommended putting 1/4 cup of bleach in the bath water during their bath to reduce the bacteria on the skin and therefore help cut down on the inflamed sores. She told me that there was definitely an allergic process going on and that it would be good to go ahead and do an Immunocap blood test to determine what the cause was. She also prescribed an EpiPen for Taylor because if she does have a peanut allergy, even a mild case can all of a sudden become severe and cause anaphalactic shock. She told me that she can also have 1 tsp of Benadryl at the same time as an EpiPen is used if she does have a severe reaction (facial swelling and difficulty breathing) and then to take her to the hospital. We had her blood taken at the urgent care in the same building and Taylor screamed and cried before the needle was even in her. It took a little longer that I had imagined to get the blood, but they got it on the first try (thank the Lord) and then she calmed down. Joshua's face was a bit in shock while Taylor was getting blood drawn and looked a little horrified at the whole experience. We will find out in a few days what the results are and go from there. I hope that I never had to use that EpiPen!!
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Peanut allergy?
Taylor has been going through a lot of skin problems in the past few weeks and we are trying to pinpoint the cause and what exactly she does have on her skin. I took her to the nurse practitioner a few weeks ago, and she said that Taylor had eczema, and said that if she had a peanut allergy, it is more common to get hives and swelling in the face. She prescribed a steroid cream to put on her skin for two weeks in hopes that it would clear up. A week later, Doug gave Taylor a bath and just put lotion on her and no steroid cream and put her to bed. The next morning, she woke up with 5 or 6 nickel size sores on her skin that were red and itchy. She had eaten peanut butter at every meal the day before and then for breakfast when she got up, she had more peanut butter. Within a couple of hours of breakfast, she broke out in hives all over her back. We gave her benadryl and the hives took most of the day to clear up. We have been in VA all week, so I have not been able to get her back to the doctor, and she has broken out with another couple of sores on her hip and bottom. She has not had peanut butter in over a week and still new sores have shown up. Tonight, she was insisting on peanut butter and crackers, so we tested the waters one more time. She had four peanut butter and crackers and within the past hour, no hives. She's now in bed, and I'm praying that she will not have a reaction to the peanut butter. We gave her benadryl before bedtime, just in case. It just seems that her skin gets worse when she does eat peanut butter, and the sores she has on her skin now are different in appearance than the eczema on her skin when she saw the nurse practitioner. At that time, it was more of a rash type appearance on her skin at that point. I hope that we can find out once and for all if she is or is not allergic to peanut butter when I get her an appointment this week with the doctor and have her tested. Then we can move forward from there. She eats so few things these days that it's hard when you remove the main source of protein from her diet other than the Danimals yogurt drinks...
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Richmond Children's Museum
We took the kids to the Children's Museum in Richmond today and they had a blast. It was a one story building that was much smaller than the Indianapolis Children's Museum, but it was all hands on and had plenty for the kids to do for the day. Joshua wanted to come back again the next day when we left. Joshua LOVED the car that he could play mechanic on and spent a great deal of time in this area of the museum. He could change a tire on a model car and pull on and off the muffler. He could "add" fluids to the radiator and change the filter. Taylor came over and got in on the fun as well. He was in seventh Heaven! They also had a real ambulance that the kids could walk inside and play in. He and Taylor both loved the air pump area where they could play with the valves and watch the handkerchiefs fly through the pipes from the air pressure being pushed through...that was at least 30 minutes of fun right there. Taylor enjoyed the outside in which they had instruments to play with and a sandy beach with toys. There was also a water play area outside, but we didn't bring a bathing suit and Taylor was disappointed about not being able to get all wet. They had an indoor river and canal that toy boats could flow through and both kids had a great time playing with. Taylor's favorite activity seemed to be the art workshop. This was by far the highlight of the museum. They had every texture of fabric, wall paper, ribbon and paper imaginable as well as all kinds of recycled plastics and egg cartons for the kids to use to create all kinds of things...let their imagination be the limit. Taylor had fun making a stained glass picture from tissue paper and glue on cardboard. She also made a bookmark with cloth and paper and had fun gluing different fabrics and papers onto a larger piece of paper. Joshua and Daddy created planes from paper and toilet paper cardboard. Quite creative those boys are!! We all had fun creating in the art workshop...and I got some fun ideas for the kids with our own Harding workshop that I'd like to create back home.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Virginia Beach
Gran and Grandaddy stayed in Emporia for the day as we trekked to Virginia Beach to get some sun and play time in the sand. I had never been to VA beach, but Daddy had been there quite a bit growing up. The beach was packed, as it was again another very hot 105 degree day. We found a spot close to the water so that we wouldn't have to run through the hot sand to get to the waves which was a really smart choice. Joshua jumped right in playing in the sand, making a small lake with tunnelling towards the ocean to pull in water when the waves would come crashing to the shore. Taylor, on the other hand, was terrified of the crashing waves, and wanted nothing to do with the ocean. We had to pour water over her to keep her cool because she would go nowhere near the water. We did take her out in the water a couple of times, and she put up with it shortly, but then would pretty quickly ask to get out of the water. The waves were really powerful. Daddy was the only one who didn't get knocked over by them at all...Joshua and I had several times where we were pushed down by the force of them smacking against the shoreline. Daddy and Joshua made it a game for quite awhile to jump the waves when they would come crashing in, or to try to escape the waves by running towards the shore as they approached. The water was so refreshing in the heat and we stayed at the beach for a couple of hours before heading to the car to change. We ended up coming back to the boardwalk and eating at a pizza place called Bella's and then wandering around a bit, shopping and then letting the kids ride a couple of the carnival rides that were interspersed amongst the boardwalk. Joshua got to ride a fast spinning ride (it was called the Materhorn when I was growing up) which went forwards and backwards and then they both rode a helicopter that flew around in circles and could fly up and down. Taylor lastly rode the train which she had no problem boarding all by herself. We had a great time at the beach overall, and Taylor was a happy little girl again once we left the waves for shopping and carnival rides!
Monday, July 5, 2010
Boating on the river
Today we got out on the river in Grandaddy's boats. Gran and Grandaddy rode in the canoe, and we rode in the row boat that Grandaddy had attached a small motor to. paddling needed for us, which was really convenient considering it was another sweltering 100 degree day in the middle of a month long drought in the area. It was nice to get out on the water, and Joshua was having the time of his life getting to the steer the boat with the motor in the back...with help from Daddy from time to time. Taylor and I sat in the front of the boat, and she made it clear several times that she was ready to go we were both quite warm with her on my lap and very little shade to be had. But, it was still fun and had it been slightly cooler, she would have enjoyed the trip much more. Joshua didn't seem to mind the heat at all!
Sunday, July 4, 2010
4th of July in VA again this year
We made our (what seems to be) annual trip to Emporia, VA, where Gran and Grandaddy live for a visit. We visited on the 4th of July week last year as well and the kids got a kick out of riding on the fire truck. We got to do that again this year at Bobby Wrenn's house. This time, Joshua wanted to ride on top of the truck, so we all climbed up to the top for a spin around the block. I have never been on top of a fire truck, so it was a first for me as well! The kids enjoyed it and then the kids played on the swingset during the singing of patriotic songs and afterwards, we ate hot dogs and chatted with people that Gran and Grandaddy knew. We headed out after lunch and changed clothes to go to the Emporia Country Club for dinner and swimming. We ate hamburgers there and then took a dip in the pool which felt extremely refreshing on this 100 degree day. The water was a bit chilly at first, but we got used to it and the kids enjoyed splashing around in the water in the pool that Daddy grew up swimming and diving in.
Friday, July 2, 2010
Joshua is promoted in swim class!
Joshua finished his second round of swim lessons today at the YMCA. He was in the Youth beginner class with Miss Seah, and he seemed to really enjoy them because he rarely made the comment that he didn't want to go swim. He learned to dive, yes dive, into the pool from the platform at the end of the pool. He also swam the length of the pool!!! He is learning to swim freestyle and does not like to put his face in the water, but he does it when the instructor asks him to. He is willing to go underwater and hold his breath and he jumps into the water from the edge. We are so proud of you, Joshua! Great job! I asked him if he wanted to take more lessons this Summer, and he said "No"...I think that the novelty of diving from the platform was a bit scary and he's wondering what the next level would ask of him. He told me that he was really scared diving from the platform, but he did it over and over and didn't seem that scared to me. Go, Joshua! Hopefully, you'll change your mind and want to take more lessons soon:)
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
"Just A Minute"
As we were heading out the door to go to the free movie at Regal this morning, Taylor disappears. I called for her and she had run upstairs. I hear her say "Just a Minute" in this sweet lady like voice. Two seconds later, she is rounding the corner at the top of the stairs with her leather cat purse and a charm bracelet on her wrist. It was tooooo cute! My little lady could not leave the house until she had her purse and jewelry. Miss Beauty Queen!
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Joshua's 6th Birthday
Joshua had a great birthday today and got to share the day this year with Daddy for Father's Day. The last time that happened was when Joshua was born. We started out the morning with French Toast for Daddy and Daddy got to open his Father's Day gifts: sandals and a photo book from me, as well as cards from Joshua and Taylor. Joshua and Taylor each decorated the cards with stickers. Taylor picked out the card she gave Daddy because she was with me the day I bought the cards. She picked out a Minnie Mouse Father's Day card, which was so "Taylor". It cracked me up that they make Minnie Mouse Father's Day cards, but they do...for girls like Taylor. Joshua got to open up a gift from my friend Julie Jones which was sports cards with mosaic stickers that make up mosaic pictures that you can hang up on the wall...he then got to open cards that he had gotten in the mail from family. We then spent the day outside in the octagon pool, which we all fit into, and just enjoyed relaxing after a full busy day yesterday. Joshua and Daddy loved squirting each other with water guns and it was great to just hang out with no planned agenda. We came in late afternoon and got dressed to go out to dinner. Doug was in the mood for Italian Oven, so that is where we went. We even had the staff sing "Happy Birthday" to Joshua which he was surprised with. They gave him fried dough pieces with chocolate syrup and powdered sugar (which tasted like funnel cakes), but he didn't want to try Doug and I enjoyed eating some of it. We then headed back home for cake (Oreo marble cake from Publix) and gifts...of course! Joshua loved the cake and was very excited to open his gifts. He got a dual light saber (big hit!!) that lights up and makes light saber sounds. He also got a Star Wars Echo Base lego set, a firetruck/boat/ATV lego set, a Del Sol Frisbee that turns blue in the sun, and a helicopter/boomerang that comes back to you when thrown. He also got the Star Wars Trilogy (4,5,and6) from Gran and Grandaddy and a Star Wars storm trooper dart gun that he picked out with money that they had sent. He got his birthday gifts in Indiana at the Children's Museum from Grandpa and Grandma that he got to pick out. He chose some Automoblox cars and a Star Wars speed racer. He got money to spend from Aunt Chris and Great Aunt Merry and Uncle Bob. He also got the Star Wars Echo Base legos from Aunt Angela and Uncle Doug which Joshua decided to exchange for a remote control car. Joshua got talk with his aunt and uncle, and his grandparents and he really enjoyed getting to talk with Daniel and telling him all about the gifts he got...very animated conversation with Daniel! We are so glad that Joshua and Daddy got to have a really fun birthday/Father's Day combo this year!!
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Joshua's 6th Birthday Party
We had Joshua's sixth birthday party today. Lots fun and lots of preparation! Joshua picked the "Star Wars" theme for his party and so we had a Star Wars cake, Darth Vader pinata, and Star Wars party favors and plates. We had a water theme this year, as last year's party was sooo hot outside, and we were all hot in the sun. This year, we tried to cool things off a bit with a slip and slide, octagon 10X10 pool, and we had the trampoline for the kids a well. The kids seemed to have a great time with the water play. Six kids came and we had two older siblings as well: Saylor Phillips, Samantha Azua, Colleen Cameron and her sister, Jonathan Funk and his brother Matthew, Patrick Scott, and Jack Powell. Taylor seemed to have a great time hanging out with the older kids as well. She held her own. We had a little bit of thunder at the end of the party, but the rain held out, and we only had to have the kids come inside to finish their cake. Joshua got some really great gifts from his friends. Colleen got him a Super Soaker water gun, Samantha-a remote control car, Saylor-moon sand, Patrick-Match Box truck, Jonathan-Star Wars legos, and Jack-R2D2 trouble game. Happy Birthday, Joshua!!
Monday, June 7, 2010
Trip to Indiana
We took a week long trip to Indiana this summer and had a nice visit with Grandma and Grandpa. We took a trip to South Bend and walked around the East Race kayaking and sport area on the river, and went to the South Bend Chocolate Factory and the kids had fun playing in the kids playground area. Someday we'll have to come back for the tour of the factory. We went to Culver one day and walked along the beach area and through the woods to Culver Military Academy. The day was really pretty and the walk was beautiful. The kids had fun on the playground by the Culver beach, and I think that Daddy had fun playing there, too! We also ate at the A&W Rootbeer stand where I grew up can either eat at the drive in area in your car or sit at the picnic tables on the other side. We ate outside. We also went to the Indianapolis Children's Museum on a Target free evening so we go to see the museum for free. It was a really nice museum...I know that I went there as a kid, but I don't remember it looking like it did. It was a four level museum with a huge dinosaur exhibit, Barbie exhibit, current day Egypt exhibit, and much much more. The kids and all of us had a great time at the museum. We drove up to Michigan one day and went to Fenn Valley Winery. The next stop was Holland. I remembered the city having a lot of Dutch dancing, tulips and cute shops. Now, you have to pay to see the old windmill from Holland, so we decided not to do that. We went to a small Dutch shopping area and I bought some small wooden shoes for the Christmas tree and then we left and went to Saugatuck. I wish that we would have spent all of our time at Saugatuck because it was nicer than I even remembered from high school. It was off of Lake Michigan and was full of quaint shops and gorgeous yachts and boats docked by the shore. We ate dinner at a local upscale burger restaurant on the water and then did a little bit of shopping. Next time, we'll head straight to Saugatuck for the day...about a 2+ hour drive from Plymouth. Back at home, the kids enjoyed playing with my old toys, and Taylor got to play with my Barbies and clothes and I found my old baby doll clothes as well. We also got to see Uncle Bob and Aunt Merry on Memorial Day at their house for lunch and got to see my cousins as well. On the way back to GA, we stopped in KY and visited Mammoth Cave. We took two tours that day and the kids enjoyed it for the most part. The tours were a bit long for them, but they still had a good time. Great trip to Indiana, and we packed a lot in! The kids really enjoyed their visit with Grandma and Grandpa!
Friday, May 28, 2010
Joshua graduates from Kindergarten!
Joshua had his last day of Kindergarten today! I showed up at 9:15 for the kids to get their awards in Ms Garrett's classroom. She gave out their certificates that they successfully completed Kindergarten and then she gave out individual awards to all of the kids. Joshua received the Peace Keeper's Award for keeping the class from getting out of hand even when Ms Garrett lost her patience (per Ms Garrett). He looked so cute in his graduation cap that she passed out and it was fun to watch all of the kids get their certificates. She then put on some music that the kids love to dance to and they all started getting their groove on. It was too funny! Joshua was really getting into his dance moves and so I had to videotape the party. Then it was time to go to the awards. We all headed to the ceremony and the kids sat for 2 hours of awards and speeches. They did really well considering they didn't receive any awards and even I was getting antsy. Joshua was really struggling to sit still, but we got through it and now he's all done with school! Joshua got a goodie bag from Ms Garrett and I picked up the flowers that she gave me for being PTF Rep and then we headed to Jason's Deli to meet Taylor and Daddy for lunch. After lunch we headed home, cleaned up the baby pool, and the kids played in it until they were worn out! Congratulations, Kindergarten Graduate!! We love you and are sooooo proud of you!!
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